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Class Role

Represents a role on Discord





client: Client

The client that instantiated this structure

data: APIRole

Raw Role data

guildId: string

The Id of the guild the role is in

permissions: PermissionsBitField

The role permissions


  • get color(): number
  • Integer representation of hexadecimal color code

    Returns number

  • get createdAt(): Date
  • The time the role was created at

    Returns Date

  • get createdTimestamp(): number
  • The timestamp the role was created at

    Returns number

  • get guild(): undefined | Guild
  • The guild that the role belongs to

    Returns undefined | Guild

  • get hoist(): boolean
  • If true, users that are part of this role will appear in a separate category in the users list

    Returns boolean

  • get id(): string
  • The role's Id

    Returns string

  • get managed(): boolean
  • Whether or not the role is managed by an external service

    Returns boolean

  • get mentionable(): boolean
  • Whether or not the role can be mentioned by anyone

    Returns boolean

  • get name(): string
  • The name of this role

    Returns string

  • get position(): number
  • The position of this role

    Returns number

  • The tags this role has

    Returns RoleTags


  • clone(): any
  • Returns any

  • Parameters

    Returns Role

  • toString(): string
  • Returns the mention of the role

    Returns string

Generated using TypeDoc version 0.22.16, the 9/16/2022 at 1:09:15 AM