  • Public
  • Public/Protected
  • All

Class Guild





bans: GuildBanManager

A manager of the {@link GuildBan}s belonging to this guild You should manually fetch bans before using this

A manager of the Channels belonging to this guild

client: Client

The client that instantiated this structure

A manager of the ApplicationCommands belonging to this guild

Raw guild data

A manager of the GuildMembers belonging to this guild

A manager of the Roles belonging to this guild


  • get afkChannel(): undefined | Channel
  • The object of the voice channel where AFK members are moved

    Returns undefined | Channel

  • get afkChannelId(): null | string
  • The Id of the voice channel where AFK members are moved

    Returns null | string

  • get afkTimeout(): number
  • The time in seconds before a user is counted as "away from keyboard"

    Returns number

  • get approximateMemberCount(): undefined | number
  • The approximate amount of members the guild has

    Returns undefined | number

  • get approximatePresenceCount(): undefined | number
  • The approximate amount of presences the guild has

    Returns undefined | number

  • get available(): boolean
  • Whether the guild is available

    Returns boolean

  • get createdAt(): Date
  • The time the guild was created at

    Returns Date

  • get createdTimestamp(): number
  • The timestamp the guild was created at

    Returns number

  • get description(): null | string
  • The description of the guild, if any

    Returns null | string

  • An array of features available to this guild

    Returns GuildFeature[]

  • get id(): string
  • The guild's Id

    Returns string

  • get large(): boolean
  • get memberCount(): number
  • The full amount of members in this guild

    Returns number

  • get name(): string
  • The name of this guild

    Returns string

  • get owner(): undefined | User
  • Returns undefined | User

  • get ownerId(): string
  • The user Id of this guild's owner

    Returns string

  • get premiumProgressBarEnabled(): boolean
  • Whether the guild has the boost progress bar enabled

    Returns boolean

  • get publicUpdatesChannel(): undefined | Channel
  • Public updates channel for this guild

    Returns undefined | Channel

  • get publicUpdatesChannelId(): null | string
  • The community updates channel's Id for the guild

    Returns null | string

  • get rulesChannel(): undefined | Channel
  • Rules channel for this guild

    Returns undefined | Channel

  • get rulesChannelId(): null | string
  • The rules channel's Id for the guild

    Returns null | string

  • get systemChannel(): undefined | Channel
  • System channel for this guild

    Returns undefined | Channel

  • get systemChannelId(): null | string
  • The system channel's Id

    Returns null | string

  • get widgetChannel(): undefined | Channel
  • Widget channel for this guild

    Returns undefined | Channel

  • get widgetChannelId(): undefined | null | string
  • The widget channel's Id, if enabled

    Returns undefined | null | string

  • get widgetEnabled(): undefined | boolean
  • Whether widget images are enabled on this guild

    Returns undefined | boolean


  • clone(): any
  • Returns any

  • edit(data: Partial<Guild>, reason?: string): Promise<Guild>
  • Edits this guild


    • data: Partial<Guild>
    • reason: string = ''

    Returns Promise<Guild>

  • Fetches this guild

    Returns Promise<Guild>

  • fetchOwner(): Promise<User>
  • Fetches the owner of the guild. If the member object isn't needed, use Guild.ownerId instead

    Returns Promise<User>

  • Fetches all webhooks for the guild.

    Returns Promise<Collection<string, Webhook>>

  • leave(): Promise<undefined>
  • Leaves the guild

    Returns Promise<undefined>

  • setOwner(id: string, reason?: string): Promise<Guild>
  • Sets a new owner of the guild


    • id: string

      The Id of the new owner of the guild

    • reason: string = ''

      Reason for setting the new owner

    Returns Promise<Guild>

  • Edits the guild's widget settings


    • settings: GuildWidgetSettingsData

      The widget settings for the guild

    • reason: string = ''

      Reason for changing the guild's widget settings

    Returns Promise<null>

  • toString(): string
  • Returns the name of the guild

    Returns string

Generated using TypeDoc version 0.22.16, the 9/16/2022 at 1:09:15 AM