Raw message data
The Id of the application of the interaction that sent this message, if any
The author of the message
Theof the channel the message is in
The components of this message
The message's content
The flags of the message
Theof the guild the message is in
The message's Id
Represents the author of the message as a guild member.
Message reference data
A random number or string used for checking message delivery
Whether or not this message is pinned
The numeric type of the channel
Whether or not this message was sent by Discord, not actually a user (e.g. pin notifications)
Whether or not the message was Text-To-Speech
The type of the message
The URL to jump to this message
The id of the webhook that sent the message, if applicable
Fetches the webhook used to create this message.
Replies to the message
The content of the message
Returns the message content
Generated using TypeDoc version 0.22.16, the 9/16/2022 at 1:09:15 AM
The client that instantiated this structure