All of the members the client is currently handling in this guild, mapped by their Ids
The client that instantiated this Manager
The Guild belonging to this manager
Bans a user from the guild
Options for the ban
Edits a guild member
The Id of the user to edit
The data to edit the member with
The reason for editing the member
Fetches member(s) from this guild, even if they're offline
Kicks a user from the guild
The member to kick
Reason for kicking
Searches member(s) from this guild
Query string to match username(s) and nickname(s) against
Max number of members to return (1-1000). Default: 100
Unbans a user from the guild
Reason for unbanning
Generated using TypeDoc version 0.22.16, the 9/16/2022 at 1:09:15 AM
Manages API methods for GuildMembers