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Interface APIStageInstanceGuildScheduledEvent


  • APIGuildScheduledEventBase<StageInstance>
    • APIStageInstanceGuildScheduledEvent



channel_id: string
creator?: APIUser

The user that created the scheduled event

creator_id?: null | string

The id of the user that created the scheduled event

description?: null | string

The description of the scheduled event

entity_id: null | string

The id of the hosting entity associated with the scheduled event

entity_metadata: null
entity_type: StageInstance

The type of hosting entity associated with the scheduled event

guild_id: string

The guild id which the scheduled event belongs to

id: string

The id of the guild event

image?: null | string

The cover image of the scheduled event

name: string

The name of the scheduled event

privacy_level: GuildOnly

The privacy level of the scheduled event

scheduled_end_time: null | string

The time at which the guild event will end, or null if the event does not have a scheduled time to end

scheduled_start_time: string

The time the scheduled event will start

The status of the scheduled event

user_count?: number

The number of users subscribed to the scheduled event

Generated using TypeDoc version 0.22.16, the 9/16/2022 at 1:09:16 AM